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                Welcome to visit!
                Service Tel
                Service Tel
                QUALITY ASSURANCE
                Provide you with a complete design plan
                • Compensation Joint
                • Valve
                • Mud Scraper
                • Plumbing Accessories
                • AY flange loose ...
                  AY flange ...
                  AY flange loose ...
                • AF type flange l...
                  AF type fl...
                  AF type flange l...
                • AF-2 water meter...
                  AF-2 water...
                  AF-2 water meter...
                • BF type single f...
                  BF type si...
                  BF type single f...
                • B2F double flang...
                  B2F double...
                  B2F double flang...
                • BY gland loose s...
                  BY gland l...
                  BY gland loose s...
                THREE ADVANTAGES
                Focus on production details
                Quality management
                The complete quality system runs through the self-inspection in the production process, the quality inspection network of other inspections and special inspections, and strict technical quality standards and operating specifications, which ensure that the products are moving towards the goal of high standards, zero defects and refinement.
                Production management
                Develop production data standards and manage many unstable factors in the form of a database to control their fluctuation range and ensure the steady improvement of product quality.
                Production process
                The standardized and standardized system covers the entire production process, enhances the sense of responsibility and crisis of employees, and creates high-quality and economical products to meet the multi-faceted needs of users.
                HUXI FLUID
                Wuxi Huixi Fluid Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is an emerging comprehensive pipeline accessories company. Since its establishment, the company has been seeking unity internally and development externally to ensure that customers come first, service first, and serve the society.
                The company has advanced equipment and dedicated workers, as well as a team of technicians who have been engaged in the design of pipeline accessories for many years. According to the needs of customers, we can design a safe, stable, beautiful, and low-cost pipeline connection scheme for you. The company has rich design experience in fluid equipment, wind power accessories, pumps, water pumps, valve connectors (pipeline compensation joints).
                ABOUT US
                Professional, Honest, Pragmatic, Development
                Industry Information and Company dynamics
                • The corrugated pipes for metal compensators, expansion joints, and expansion joints are fo...
                  The corrugated pipes for metal compensators, expansion joint...
                  The corrugated pipes for metal compensators, expan...
                • The compensator is generally made of austenitic stainless steel integrally formed corrugat...
                  The compensator is generally made of austenitic stainless st...
                  The compensator is generally made of austenitic st...
                • Sleeve compensation joint is also called sleeve compensator, sleeve expansion joint. This ...
                  Sleeve compensation joint is also called sleeve compensator,...
                  Sleeve compensation joint is also called sleeve co...
                • The principle of rotating compensator drives energy conservation and environmental protect...
                  The principle of rotating compensator drives energy conserva...
                  The principle of rotating compensator drives energ...