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                B2F double flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint

                Performance characteristics:

                The flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint is formed by adding a limit expansion tube and a limit stud on the basis of the AF type flange loose sleeve compensation joint. The maximum expansion amount is locked with a double nut to compensate for thermal expansion and contraction. The axial displacement, deflection and eccentricity of the pipeline caused by the settlement of the foundation protect the valve equipment. According to the connection mode, it is divided into single flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint and double flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint.

                On-site installation:



                Performance characteristics:

                The flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint is formed by adding a limit expansion tube and a limit stud on the basis of the AF type flange loose sleeve compensation joint. The maximum expansion amount is locked with a double nut to compensate for thermal expansion and contraction. The axial displacement, deflection and eccentricity of the pipeline caused by the settlement of the foundation protect the valve equipment. According to the connection mode, it is divided into single flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint and double flange loose sleeve limit compensation joint.

                On-site installation:



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