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              1. <blockquote id='JbRRqf'><q id='JbRRqf'><noscript id='JbRRqf'></noscript><dt id='JbRRqf'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='JbRRqf'><i id='JbRRqf'></i>
                Welcome to visit!
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                ABOUT HUIXI
                Professional, Honest, Pragmatic, Development
                Wuxi Huixi Fluid Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is an emerging comprehensive pipeline accessories company. Since its establishment, the company has sought unity internally and development externally to ensure that customers are first, service first, and serve the society. The company has advanced equipment and dedicated workers, as well as a team of technicians who have been engaged in the design of pipeline accessories for many years. According to the needs of customers, we can design a safe, stable, beautiful, and low-cost pipeline connection scheme for you. The company has rich design experience in fluid equipment, wind power accessories, pumps, water pumps, valve connectors (pipeline compensation joints). 
                无锡惠玺  惠泽天下  品质如玺
                Wuxi Huixi Fluid Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. always adheres to the company’s production fundamentals with leading technology, excellent quality, reasonable prices and considerate service, adhering to the corporate development concept of "quality first, honesty and trustworthiness, mutual benefit and win-win", and customer satisfaction Our goal is to provide customers with high-quality products and implement the concept of "two nos" (no defective products are produced, and defective products are not shipped out), and "three guarantees" (guarantee product quality, guarantee abide by contracts, and guarantee high-quality services). With the unremitting efforts of all colleagues, the products are well received by users. We will continue to pursue excellent quality, and we are willing to provide users with high-quality products and services to create a better future together. The company sincerely welcomes customers at home and abroad to visit, visit, inspect, consult and negotiate. 
                Wuxi Huixi spirit: professionalism, honesty, pragmatism and development; Wuxi Huixi philosophy: quality first, honesty and trustworthiness, mutual benefit and win-win.
                If a worker wants to do his job, he must first sharpen his tools
                COMPANY ADVANTAGE
                Honest and trustworthy, mutual benefit and win-win