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                Welcome to visit!
                Service Tel

                Precautions for inspection and adjustment after copy compensation joint installa

                author: time:2021-02-22 classify:Professional knowledge
                The compensation joint should be checked after installation. All glands should be tightened uniformly to ensure that the sealing ring and packing are in the best condition.

                The compensation joint should be checked after installation. All glands should be tightened uniformly to ensure that the sealing ring and packing are in the best condition.

                Adjust the force transmission rod of the compensation joint to an effective position as required. There should be enough space around the compensation joints to ensure that

                 the compensation joints can move freely within the design range.

                The pipe hoisting position should not be set on the compensation joint.

                Before confirming that all guide brackets and fixed brackets are not installed correctly, internal pressure test should not be carried out.